Advanced training in negotiation - Badge

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Advanced training in negotiation.



Issued since 22 July 2016.


This badge is given to participants attending the course “Advanced Training in Negotiation to certify the competence (what the participant has learned and what he is able to do) in conducting complex negotiations, acquired through participation in the course. "Advanced Training in Negotiation" course of Fondazione Aldini Valeriani includes these main themes: The 4P model: Preparation, Process, Power perception, PeopleKey elements of the negotiationNegotiation contextsNegotiation stylesPreparation for the negotiationDefinition of objectivesDefinition of your own BATNA and your counterpart’sIdentification the interest of the counterpartDefinition of the negotiating strategy: tactics of pressure and induction, generating alternatives and building agreementsInitial offer and subsequent concessionsPossible areas of agreement: ZOPARelationship between price, margin and volumesHow to use contractual power, time and risk, stress and uncertaintyPower Relationship between the PartiesSupplementary negotiation“Off the table negotiations

Badge Criteria

The Open Badge is given to participants who attend at least 80% of the total hours foreseen for "The Advanced Negotiation Training". Attendance is recorded on the regular register with signatures showing when students enter and leave the classroom.


The owner of this badge acquires the following competences by attending 2016 edition of “Advanced training in negotiation CompetencesAbility to prepare an effective negotiation both as a buyer and a sellerMap and Influence of the decision making processMastering strategies of additional negotiationManaging the value creation process starting from the possible alternatives and from ZOPAAbilitiesIdentifying negotiation situations and the counterpart’s stylePreparing the negotiation by defining strategies, tactics, and alternatives for the agreementEstablishing tools and techniques to analyse the negotiating scenario, both distributive and integrativeManaging the negotiation respecting deadlinesOptimizing the value creation process in a WIN-WIN logicSoft skillsManagement of emotions, ability to solve conflicts, lateral leadership, ability to walk away from impasse situations in a creative way, awareness of your own influence base. KnowledgesOverview of real negotiations of increasing complexity and difficulty and ability to transform this overview into strategies which can identify the different steps of a negotiation and the value creation process in order to manage the whole area of possible agreements effectively and reach the best possible outcome of the negotiation.


Negotiation, Lateralleardership, Businessnegotiation

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