Bbetween 2017 Writing - The Lutheran trace - Badge

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Bbetween 2017 Writing - The Lutheran trace.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Issued since 15 December 2017.


The holder of this Badge has acquired knowledge relating to the influence of the protestant Reform on the culture and society of today. This knowledge has been acquired by means of taking part in the pathway of Bbetween 2017 Writing - The Lutheran trace. The pathway of Bbetween 2017 Writing - The Lutheran trace, has crossed different disciplines and competences and tried to trace a broad, cross-cutting mural of the protestant Reform, to identify the connections and the representations, including unusual ones, within a long term perspective. In this way the long wave of the historical phenomenon may be grasped, together with its significance, which stretches into the third millennium. The pathway offers itself as a way to understand the figure of the Augustinian friar, the context he lived in and the reflections that led him to nail up the Theses that he put forward for public debate. The Lutheran trace and his Reform in the culture and society of Europe is so deep that, without the values inherited from him, starting with religious tolerance, it would be impossible for us to understand the lacerations that cut across the world of today. The lessons are held by historians, philosophers and theologians, who have placed the period of the Reform and its consequences for the Church and for European society at the heart of their studies. The pathway proposed is structured in 5 lessons of approximately 2 hours each. The programme of the pathway, with the subjects dealt with and the speakers involved can be seen here.

Badge Criteria

The Bbetween 2017 Writing - The Lutheran trace Badge is a participation Badge. It is issued to students and employees of the University, and others, who have enrolled in the pathway and taken part actively in at least 4 of the 5 lessons programmed. The course is open to anyone and no relevant competence is required prior to enrolment. There is no limit to the number of participants enrolling.


The holder of this Badge has demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to use the following SKILLS: place the protestant Reform in historical context; connect together epochs and different historical events influenced by the works and thought of Martin Luther; consider the after effects of the protestant Reform on numerous aspects of European life in the areas of religion, economics, politics, philosophy and theology; and the following SOFT SKILLS: ability to listen; ability to analyse; ability to identify and study the background historical/political/religious context in which the protestant Reform took place; ability to compare the historical, political and religious aspects under which the protestant Reform took place. The holder of this Badge has also successfully learned the following aspects of KNOWLEDGE: the historical context in which the protestant Reform developed; the figure and the thought of Luther; subjects of grace, authority and the mysteries of faith; the spread of the protestant Reform and its internal divisions; the response of the Catholic Church with the Counter Reform; the impact of the protestant Reform on European politics.


MartinLuther, Reformation, Christianity

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