Biochemical pills - Badge
University of Foggia.
Issued since 31 August 2017.
This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Biochemical pills" offered by EduOpen. The Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate ofattendance.
Badge Criteria
The badge is issued to a student following the Mooc on "Biochemistry". Each participant has to see all the videolectures and to complete self-assessment exercises proposed by the teacher.
The student acquired knowledge of inorganic and organic chemistry (redox reactions; reactions with metals; organic reactions with amine, carboxyl and alcoholic groups). In particular: - to examine in depth the basic knowledge of carbon chemistry; - to know the basic molecular structures of the simplest biomolecules; - to know the concept that the assembly of simple molecular units generates new molecular classes with additional functional properties; - to understand how the sequential arrangement of chemical units in biopolymers confers on these distinctive functional properties; - to understand the role of biomolecules in real life.
Science, Chemistry, BiologicalSciences