Biology for pre-primary and primary schools: animals - Badge

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Biology for pre-primary and primary schools: animals.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Issued since 28 April 2017.


This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Biology for pre-primary and primary schools: animals" offered by EduOpenThe Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate ofattendance.

Badge Criteria

The badge owner attended the Mooc "Biologia per la scuola dell'infanzia e primaria: gli animali" and: 1) viewed all videos; 2) in the forum "ask a question . . . " opened at least a discussion and aswered to at least one of classmates' discussion; 3) in the forum "Biostorie - Share Your Story", uploaded at least a story; 4) in the forum "Practical experience - Share your work", uploaded at least one report; 5) successfully completed the final test.


Knowledge- Basic information on animal biology, evolutionary and ecological issues that affect them. - Reading and evaluation of educational courses for primary school. Skills- Realization of educational activities. - Methodological skills suited to the realization of environmental education.


Science, Animal, BiologicalSciences

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