Anglo American literature by narratology - Badge

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Anglo American literature by narratology.


University Ca' Foscari Venezia.

Issued since 20 April 2016.


This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Anglo American literature through narratology" offered by EduOpen. The Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate of attendance.

Badge Criteria

The owner of this badge has attended the MOOC “Anglo American literature through narratology completing all the included video-lessons; He has completed the final tests of each didactic unit, the passing mark is 7/10; He has actively participated in the forum and in the various activities; He has obtained the final certificate.


The owner of this Badge participated in and successfully completed the course "Anglo American literature through narratology". The MOOC “A history of US literature through the beginnings of fictional narratives presents a survey of North-American literature from the first settlers to the present day. It furthermore presents a reading methodology. Those attending and completing this course will learn the followingNotions: the chronological development of US literature from the first settlers to the present day; the historical events that provide the contexts for the books presented; portraits of the authors of the books presented; a method of textual analysis based on a basic mapping of key-words and syntax and narratological choices concerning the narrating voice.  Skills: position major US authors in a precise historical context; recognize the narrating voice and the focalizing perspective; annotate a narrative beginning starting from key words.


ArtsandHumanities, NorthAmericanliterature, Narratology

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