Application Security Analyst - Author Award for Educators 2016 - Badge

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Application Security Analyst - Author Award for Educators 2016.




The badge earner has developed and published a university course to educate students on how to scan and test web applications for identification and analysis of vulnerabilities and attacks using IBM AppScan Standard. The course will enable students on topics such as OWASP security standards; Glassbox scanning; cross-site scripting; broken authentication; and threat analysis and reports.

Badge Criteria

What it takes to earn this badge:

  • Must be a faculty member of a Higher Education Institution which has or is implementing the IBM Skills Academy Program.
  • Completion of Module I - Cyber Security Overview: Covering Security Overview Trends Case Studies Security standards and framewks.
  • Completion of Module II - Cyber Security Foundations: Covering Application Security Technologies: - HTML5 and JavaScript Programming - SQL Relational database objects and tables.
  • Completion of Module III - Application Security Analyst: Covering Web application components and security issues OWASP attack classifications SQL Injection Brute Fce authentication Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Insecure direct object reference Sensitive data exposure Cross-site request fgery (CSRF) Vulnerability testing scanning and threat modeling Repting threats and vulnerabilities Glass Box Scanning Web Services Extend functions using SDK and AXF Troubleshooting AppScan.
  • Publishing the university course in the university collabation space.
  • Submitting curriculum f the Faculty Rewards proposal.
  • Obtaining the Faculty Rewards International Curriculum review board's approval.


Skills indicated by the badge

Web Services|SDK|AXF|Web Application Security|CSRF|Vulnerability Testing|Threat Modeling|Glass Box|Security Vulnerabilities|IBM AppScan Standard|Security Scans|Application Scans|Ethical Hacking|OWASP Classifications|SQL Injection|Brute Force|Cross-site Scripting

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IBM Badges