Bbetween 2017 Voluntary Work-Volunteer Experience - Badge

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Bbetween 2017 Voluntary Work-Volunteer Experience.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Issued since 01 September 2017.


The Bbetween 2017 Voluntary work-Volunteer Experience Badge certifies acquisition of competence and knowledge in relation to the world of volunteer associations and voluntary work, in relation to aid and collaboration with associations. The holder of this Badge has acquired the above-mentioned knowledge and sensitivity through taking part in the study path of Bbetween 2017 Voluntary Work-Volunteer Experience. This study path, which is especially for students of the University of Milan- Bicocca, was organised by the University jointly with  Ciessevi, the Service Centre for Voluntary Work of the metropolitan city of Milan, through the University of Voluntary Work, project, which guides those taking part in activities of social involvement. The study path is structured over: a personal interview, at Ciessevi or Bicocca, with a Ciessevi consultant, who is qualified in orientation towards voluntary work, in order to identify the most suitable organisation to accept the student; a training day (8 hours) devoted to discovering: what voluntary work means and how volunteer associations are set up; the numbers involved and worth of voluntary work in Italy and abroad; what the motivations are towards voluntary work and the best communicative methods for managing aid situations; 20 hours of activities at Ciessevi or an organisation in the Third sector, chosen together with a tutor, to experiment with and put into practice competence acquired during the university career or experiment with some of the voluntary activities of interest. The experience is constantly monitored by the relevant tutor; a final interview to check the overall competence acquired.

Badge Criteria

The Bbetween 2017 Voluntary work-Volunteer Experience Badge is an activity Badge. The Badge is issued, subject to enrolment, for taking part in the activities programmed in the study path of the same name, Bbetween 2017 Voluntary work-Volunteer Experience. The study path is open to all students of the University of Milan-Bicocca and especially devoted to students interested in gaining experience in voluntary work or students who are already volunteers and wish to give a value to their social involvement. The path is activated with a minimum of 12 enrolments and a maximum of 20 may participate. Attendance of the study path is free of charge and no competence is required on enrolment.


The holder of this Badge has demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to use the following SKILLS: work organisation: ability to organise personal time in terms of shifts, duties and received orders, while paying constant attention to achievement of aims shared in common with the organisation; dealing with problems and being proactive: paying attention to recognising problems without losing self-control and showing readiness to suggest possible solutions independently or find solutions together with the association and the client; handling relationships and behaviour: working in a group, listening to and collaborating with others, and being able to adopt attitudes of empathy, to recognise one’s own emotional reactions and manage them with greater awareness; aptitude for connecting theory and practice: being able to apply the relevant knowledge to personal study paths within the experience agreed with the associations. Specifically, showing signs of technical know-how within the experience with the association. The holder of this Badge has also successfully acquired KNOWLEDGE regarding: data concerning the situation and extent of voluntary work in Italy; value chart of voluntary work; principal studies on motivation to voluntary work and Voluntary Function Inventory; search systems for opportunities in voluntary work; value of the overall competence in professional contexts; specialist content relating to actions carried out in the Association for which the experience of voluntary work was carried out.


Volunteering, Citizenship, Solidarity

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