Bbetween Multimedia 2016-Photography: basic course - Badge

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Bbetween Multimedia 2016-Photography: basic course.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Issued since 31 May 2016.


The holder of this Badge has completed the Bbetween Multimedia 2016-Photography: basic course and has produced a project at the end of the course. By taking part in the course (go to full programme), the Badge holder has acquired the basic elements of theory and the ability required for producing creative images using a digital camera.  During the course the holder of the Badge has attended lessons of combined theory and practice: - the theoretical part of the course enabled the participant to become familiar with and study the underlying principles and techniques of photography;  to analyse the general functions of a camera and correct settings to use in various situations; to attend lessons and practice of photographic post-production, aimed at improving photos making use of Adobe Lightroom software; - during the practical part, the participant has carried out assignments and taken part in outside work on a theme. Thanks to the collaboration of the Fondazione Cineteca Italiana (The Italian Film Library Foundation), he or she has acquired knowledge of the heritage of film/photography.  The final project consisted of  producing two compositions prepared on the basis of the practical exercises forming part of the course.

Badge Criteria

The Bbetween Multimedia 2016 - Photography: basic course Badge is an activity Badge. It may be issued to students of the University or outsiders who make an application. Conditions required for awarding the Badge are: being registered for the course, completion of at least 70% of the activities in the programme and production of a final project. The course is open to all applicants, up to a maximum of 25 participants, and no ability is required on entrance.


The holder of this Badge has demonstrated that he or she possesses and can apply the following  SKILLS: use of a photographic instrument; use of an exposure diaphragm; management of aspects of picture composition; expressive use of depth of field; awareness of types of image format; assessment of optical types as a function of the format covered; and the following SOFT SKILLS: collaboration  (team work to achieve a shared outcome-work groups); problem solving (ability to adapt knowledge and technique to rapidly changing situations-field practice); communication and persuasion (ability to relate to a subject and give indications to achieve the best possible result - field practice); planning ability (producing a photo starting from a personal idea -  field practice and IT laboratory). The holder of this Badge has also successfully acquired the following items of KNOWLEDGE: elementary physics of light; temperatures of colour and dominants; elementary photometry and luminous energy; basic technical description and operation of a camera; types and correct use of the main photographic file formats; representation of colour in the digital world and basic concepts of colour profiles; management of a photographic library with Lightroom software; basic post production of  digital images with Lightroom software; mention of biographies and works of well-known photographers,  past and present; mention of the history of photography.


Photography, Post-production, Image

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