Bbetween Writing 2016-Writing and poetry Circle - Badge

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Bbetween Writing 2016-Writing and poetry Circle.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Issued since 24 May 2016.


The holder of this Badge has successfully completed the Bbetween Writing 2016-Writing and poetry Circle course,  dedicated to various forms and functions of writing, widening knowledge of the topics dealt with and improving personal transversal competencies.   During the Bbetween Writing 2016-Writing and poetry Circle course (go to full programme) the Badge holder was guided through meetings where various methods of writing were examined,  enabling him or her to try out and express aptitudes and competencies that are not always evident, but which may prove useful, not only in view of “institutional or professional writing, but especially from a point of view of self-education or self-empowerment.  The final exam consisted of writing a short text, using different methods and approaches, based on the areas of competency displayed by each student in the course of the activities and which the course leader considered worthwhile developing: from a short story to a themed essay, or from a poetic narration to narration for images and writing.  

Badge Criteria

The Bbetween Writing 2016-Writing and poetry Circle Badge is an activity Badge. It may be issued to students of the University or outsiders who make an application. Conditions required for awarding the Badge are: being registered for the course, completion of at least 70% of the activities in the programme and drafting of a final project. The course is open to all applicants and no ability is required on entrance.


The holder of this Badge has had the opportunity to  examine the following TOPICS: improving and  validating personal knowledge and experience as a method of learning; improving reading, writing and poetic thinking; improving narrative thinking; writing as a caring activity (for oneself and others) and as a philosophical practice; the theory/experience connection; integrating the aesthetic, ethical, emotive and cognitive dimensions; validating re-writing and textual elaboration; the methodological value of the writing process (reflections, metacognition and awareness); autobiography as a method of self-education; tools for creating textual products that may be useful in certain contexts: institutional (university, conferences), formal and informal; using and exploring metaphorical language and forms of expression capable of “writing apart from writing itself; the link between linear writing and cross media writing; and has demonstrated that he or she possesses the following SOFT SKILLS: ability to analyse and synthesise; ability to listen; improved view of him/herself and of others; ability to improve and validate personal knowledge and experience as a method of learning; ability to validate reading, writing, narrative thinking and poetic thinking; acquisition of  tools for creating textual products that may be useful in certain contexts: institutional (university, conferences), formal and informal; overcoming experiences of difficulty or scholastic impressions concerning writing that have reduced its use to one of merely being a tool or an object of value judgement; imroved experience of self-expression; communication and sharing.


Communication, Writing, Poetry

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