Breakfast and Leavened Sweet Pastries Course - Badge

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Breakfast and Leavened Sweet Pastries Course.


The School of Italian Cooking.

Issued since 10 March 2017.


The holder of this Badge has attended one or both of the Breakfast Sweet Pastries and Leavened Sweet Pastries Courses held by the School of Italian Cuisine. Completion of one of the courses devoted to specific preparations for making SweetPastries for Breakfast and Leavened Sweet Pastries allows the student to acquire skills, competencies and knowledge of one of the specific aspects of pastry-making, as well as using correct operational techniques and working procedures in accordance with hygiene/health standards in force. Each course is held in one lesson lasting 7 hours.

Badge Criteria

To obtain this Badge, attendance is required of at least one of the Breakfast Sweet Pastries and Leavened Sweet Pastries Courses organised by the School of Italian Cuisine. The courses are of one lesson lasting 7 hours each and are held more than once in the same year (approximately 12 times per four-month period). For information on the next sessions please click here  http: //scuola. or contact the School administration: , tel 02 49748004.


The holder of this Badge has demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to use the following SKILLS: preparing leavened sweet pastries for breakfast/snacks; using work techniques acquired in new situations; making preparations that are suitable for the first meal of the day, in accordance with principles of healthy nutrition; assessing the quality of products used; and the following SOFT SKILLS: planning work processes, taking account of available time and resources; accuracy in carrying out the individual stages of production processes; ability to recognise personal weaknesses and aspire to constant improvement. The holder of this Badge has also successfully acquired KNOWLEDGE relating to: the main techniques for making leavened and/or oven-baked products; the characteristics of products used; the standards of hygiene/health regulations; techniques of food preservation, with special reference to leavened and/or oven-baked products.


Food, Italiancuisine, Foodservice

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