Cloud Enterprise Developer - Author Award for Professionals 2016 - Badge
Cloud Enterprise Developer - Author Award for Professionals 2016.
The badge earner has significantly contributed to the authoring of courseware: labs; exams; quizes; virtual machines; etc.. The course objective is to teach students how to migrate & integrate their applications to an enterprise hybrid cloud environment; using IBM Bluemix. The author has developed assets will teach students topics such as Cloud Foundry; Docker; Liberty; Eclipse; WebLogic; JBoss; Jython; Secure Gateway; API & Data Integration; and DataWorks.
Badge Criteria
What it takes to earn this badge:
- Expected to be an Information Technology professional working for IBM an IBM Customer or Business Partner and attending the IBM Skills Academy.
- Subject Matter Expertise of topics in Module I - Cloud Computing Overview: Cloud Overview Trends Case Studies
- Subject Matter Expertise of topics in Module II - Cloud Application Foundations: Understanding Cloud Computing technologies Introduction to HTML5 and JavaScript programming Cloud Foundry and Bluemix architecture Deploy applications in cloud and apply Bluemix service.
- Subject Matter Expertise of topics in Module III - Cloud Enterprise Developer: Migrating Applications to Cloud (Bluemix) Cloud Foundry & buildpacks Docker Liberty and Tomcat Cloud integration services (Secure gateway VPN and API) Application migration tools (Weblogic JBoss Jython) Cloud integration concepts Secure gateway concepts implementation and clients Transpt Layer Security API Data Integration and DataWk Web Application framewk Liberty profile.
- The above expertise must be demonstrated by holding a professional certification and/ have 5 years of experience in the application development a relevant field.
- Validated contribution to the development of assets of the course components by the wld wide IBM education program leader.
Skills indicated by the badge
Cloud|Cloud Applications|Native Cloud|Cloud Security|Application Migration|Bluemix|Cloud Foundry|IBM Containers|Docker|Docker Containers|Virtual Servers|Java|Liberty Profile|WebSphere Migration Toolkit|Weblogic|Jboss|Websphere|Jython Script|Server.xml|Secure Gateway|Virtual Private Network|API|Hybrid Cloud|Tomcat Server|REST Services|Java Databse Connectivity|JNDI|LDAP|Transport Layer Security|Data Integration|HTTP|DataWorks