Counselling and guidance for the validation of competences - Badge

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Counselling and guidance for the validation of competences.


University of Ferrara.

Issued since 14 September 2016.


This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Counselling and guidance for the validation of competences" offered by EduOpen. The Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate of attendance.

Badge Criteria

The owner of this badge has taken part in the online course "Counselling and guidance for the validation of competences". The badge is issued if the candidate: has watched the video lessons; has done forum activities; has conducted self-assessment tests.


The owner of this Badge participated in and successfully completed the course "Counselling and guidance for the validation of competences", with the following results: Identify the main elements of the psychological advisory function to value the potential. Find out the psychological dynamics of identity and relationship of group activities. Know how to orient oneself in running individual interviews aimed at rebuilding one’s experiences. Know how to enable correct procedures for individual and group guidance to the identification and description of prior experiences.


Jobinterview, SocialScience, Counselingpsychology

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