Data Scientist - Mastery Award for LA Educators 2017 - 2019 - Badge

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Data Scientist - Mastery Award for LA Educators 2017 - 2019.




The badge earner has a proven expertise to use a Big Data platform and data governance concepts to efficiently store and manage extremely large amounts of data; using IBM BigInsights. The badge earner has demonstrated advanced proficiency on topics such as Apache Hadoop; Ambari; and Spark; Big SQL; Big R; HDFS; YARN; MapReduce; ZooKeeper; Knox; Sqoop; and HBase.

Badge Criteria

What it takes to earn this badge:

  • Must be a faculty member of a Higher Education Institution which has or is implementing the IBM Skills Academy Program in Latin America.
  • Completion of Module I - Big Data and Hadoop Introduction: What is Big Data Big Data Business Context and What is Hadoop Hadoop Business Context.
  • Completion of Module II - Hadoop Fundamentals: Introduction to Apache Hadoop Apache Ambari Hadoop HDFS Map Reduce and Yarn Apache Spark ZooKeeper Moving Data into HDFS with Sqooq and Using Hive to access Hadoop/Hbase data.
  • Completion of Module III - Big SQL Fundamentals: Using Big SQL to access HDFS data Querying Hadoop data using Big SQL Administering & managing Big SQL tables Data federation using Big SQL Using Big SQL operations on tables managed by HBase and Using Spark operations on tables managed by Big SQL.
  • Passing the IBM Procted Exam f "Data Scientist LA 2017".


Skills indicated by the badge

Big Data|IBM BigInsights|Apache Hadoop|SQL|RDBMS|Python|Big SQL|Big R|GPFS|HDFS|Platform Symphony|Structured And Unstructured Data|Open Source R|POSIX|Yarn|Apache Ambari|MapReduce|Spark|Labmda|Resilient Distributed Dataset|Java|Zookeeper|Knox|Sqoop|Flume|JSON|XML|NoSQL|HBase|Pig|Hive|Oozie|Apache Solr|JSqsh|Data Server Manager|AQL|Data Security|Data Governence|Networking

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External links

IBM Badges