Digital Workplace Expert - Badge
The Digital Workplace project.
Issued since 22 May 2017.
The Digital Workplace Expert Badge owner has competences in the field of remote/digital workplace promotion, according to the methodology developed by the Erasmus+ "The Digital Workplace" project. In order to earn the Badge the learner must meet one of the following criteria: successful completion of the training programme (for information see the official website http: //www. digitalworkplace. education/); successful verification of competences promoted by the project. The training programme has a MOOC-like structure, is articulated into 4 modules of a duration of one week each, for a total of 48 hours (12 per week). The modules are focused on soft and hard skills, addressed both to employees/professionals/freelance and managers/entrepreneurs: SELF-MANAGEMENT: self-knowledge; self efficacy and pro-activity; objectives; time management; productivity; lifelong learning; COMMUNICATION: the communication process; effective communication; listening; empathy; communication styles; feedback; TEAMWORK: group, team and network; excellent team areas; mission, vision and values; interpersonal relationships; organizing and coordinating the workflow; conflict management; CREATIVITY & CHANGE MANAGEMENT: changing; comfort zone; flexibility, adaptability and resilience; promoting change, creativity, problem solving.
Badge Criteria
To assess the addressed competences there are two possibilities: In itinere and/or final assessment (for training participants): mainly performance-based tasks to be performed individually or in group, structured as role play/simulation or project work; Competences assessment by a commission composed of three experts (trainers, HR managers or other professionals with expertise in smart/digital work). The commission can: Evaluate the candidate’s CV, to be structured as a portfolio (i. e. containing evidences like projects, reports, presentations, certifications, other Open Badge etc. ); and/orEvaluate the performance of a series of tasks (simulations, problem solving, case analysis etc. ) previously defined.
The owner of this Badge has demonstrated and strengthened the following ATTITUDES: self-management; communication; teamwork; conflict prevention and solving; change management; creativity within a remote/digital working framework. The owner of this Badge has demonstrated to possess and master the following SOFT SKILL: communication; flexibility; responsibility; teamwork; work ethics.
SmartWorking, Changemanagement, Organizationalbehavior