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Università degli Studi di Genova.

Issued since 08 September 2015.


EM&MITALIA2015-Teach differently!  A conference held in Genova, 9-11 September 2015, dealing with the major advances brought about by newtechnologies in the processes of education and learning. The event is organised by SIe-L (Società Italiana di e-Learning), SIREM (Società Italiana di Ricercasull’Educazione Mediale) and the Italian Moodle community. The main areas covered include the following: Use of ICT technologies to support innovation in education and learning; Appreciation of aims and strategies in open education; Application of gamification mechanisms in the development of teaching curricula; Instruments to recognize and measure skills and competences; Evaluation, selection and implementation of didactic methods and applied solutions in different educational contexts. This badge is issued to members of the Scientific Committe.

Badge Criteria

This badge is issued to members of the Scientific Committee of the EM&MITALIA2015 (Genoa, 9-11 September 2015). Each member of the Scientific Committee has taken part in the selection of the papers submitted for the meeting, contributing to ensure a high level of scientific quality and demonstrating capacity for critical thought and an open-minded approach.


Be curious - Adapt to changes; Critical thinking; The art of co-working and interacting electronically with partners.


Freeeducationalsoftware, Learningmethods, Educationaltechnology

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