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Università degli Studi di Genova.

Issued since 08 September 2015.


EM&MITALIA2015-Teach differently!  A conference held in Genova, 9-11 September 2015, dealing with the major advances brought about by newtechnologies in the processes of education and learning. The event is organised by SIe-L (Società Italiana di e-Learning), SIREM (Società Italiana di Ricercasull’Educazione Mediale) and the Italian Moodle community. The main areas covered include the following: Use of ICT technologies to support innovation in education and learning; Appreciation of aims and strategies in open education; Application of gamification mechanisms in the development of teaching curricula; Instruments to recognize and measure skills and competences; Evaluation, selection and implementation of didactic methods and applied solutions in different educational contexts. This badge is issued to registered visitors.

Badge Criteria

The badge recipient has participated in the EM&MITALIA2015 Conference (Genoa, 9-11 September 2015),  showing interest in teaching innovation and the understanding of national and international educational contexts. This badge is issued to registered visitors.


Openness to innovation; Aptitude to lifelong personal improvement; Vision and Overview.


Freeeducationalsoftware, Learningmethods, Educationaltechnology

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