ESSE3 National Student Registry - Expert Course 2017 - Badge
ESSE3 National Student Registry - Expert Course 2017.
Issued since 12 May 2017.
The holder of this Badge has attended the ESSE3 National Student Registry -Refresher Course run by Cineca. This Badge is issued to National Student Registry (NSR) and statistics Contact Persons, Registrar’s Office Managers and University Systems Administrators who deal with the National Student Registry within the ambit of Student Registry Services. The preparation for enrolment in this course is prior completion of the ESSE3 National Student Registry - Basic and the ESSE3 National Student Registry - Advanced courses, including previous sessions of these courses. The aim is to know how to manage in detail all the NSR variables in ESSE3, to be introduced to an analysis of errors and to under go updating on all the latest changes in legislation and/or products introduced recently. The course topics are: Specific study of all the NSR variables in ESSE3Technical reflection on the ministerial tablesNational Student Registry guidelinesReunification of High SchoolsError analysisExamples of consistency errorsPractice on case studies of particularly difficult errorsQuality of data sentMinisterial changes: resumption of NSR INSTRUCTION and extension of PG NSR (Post Grad Registry )On completion of the course, each student will be able to: - Understand and manage all the variables of ESSE3 products contributing to the definition of career attributes to be sent to the Ministry- Carry out analysis of University errors both in a general and a particular manner- Understand the latest ministerial guidelines issued- Keep up to date on the latest changes in product introduced in the RegistryThe course lasts for one day and is held in the classroom.
Badge Criteria
This Badge is intended for National Student Registry (NSR) and statistics Contact Persons, Registrar’s Office Managers and University Systems Administrators who deal with the National Student Registry within the ambit of Student Registry Services. The preparation for enrolment in this course is prior completion of the ESSE3 National Student Registry - Basic and the ESSE3 National Student Registry - Advanced courses, including previous sessions of these courses. It is issued exclusively to anyone who has attended the one-day course and passed the test (in one of the on-line test sessions to bea nnounced during the course).
The holder of this Badge has acquired the areas of knowledge laid down for the ESSE3 National Student Registry - Refresher Course and has therefore demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to uset he following competencies: - Understanding and managing all the variables of ESSE3 products contributing to the definition of career attributes to be sent to the Ministry- Carrying out analysis of University errors both in a general and a particular manner - Understanding the latest ministerial guidelines issued- Keeping up to date on the latest changes in product introduced in the Registry
University, AnagrafeNazionaleStudenti, Dataquality