English B2 - Speaking - Badge

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English B2 - Speaking.


University of Padova.

Issued since 09 May 2017.


The Language Proficiency Badge - English B2 - Speaking certifies the achievement of alevel equivalent to B2 as indicated by the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) or CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Knowledge), the European system that sets the general standards for language skills. For the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, to know and communicate in a foreign language is the second key competence, so the Badge has a particularly important role in the current European context. The B2 English language Speaking test consists of an interview in which students are tested in pairs. The evaluation criteria are based on the CEFRL. The ability to converse and interact, as well as the purely linguistic skills (grammar, vocabulary, syntax, etc. ) are tested. For more information see the project page (Language Proficiency at CLA).  

Badge Criteria

The owner of this Badge: has or has had an account @studenti. unipd.it or @unipd.it (students of CdL and CdLM, students who participate in mobility programmes, PhD students, Master students, teaching staff, administrative and technical staff and research fellows at the University of Padova); has passed the TAL - B2 language test as proof of English language knowledge for productive skills at the Language Centre of the University of Padova. Therefore, this Badge recognizes the achievement of a level equivalent to B2 for the English language in productive skills with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Knowledge (CEFR).


The owner of this Badge: is able to express him/herself in a clear, confident and polite manner, both in a formal and informal register, without giving the impression of limiting what he/she intends to say; is able to communicate and interact with spontaneity, giving the idea of fluency, even in long and complex conversations; has a sufficient range of language to be able to give clear descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments appropriately, without searching too obviously for words and is able to use some complex sentences; has good grammar knowledge; does not commit mistakes that can lead to misunderstandings.


Languageproficiency, Languagecertification, EnglishLanguage

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