Faculty Academy Instructor - Badge

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Faculty Academy Instructor.




Faculty Academy members are selected to play an active; formal role in teaching IBM's signature leadership development programs. They share their personal business experience; stimulate informed discussion; and provide invaluable feedback to program participants – they support our leaders’ growth by teaching; role modeling; and inspiring. Faculty members grow personally as leaders; deepen their learning of core leadership principles; and develop their presence and presentation skills.

Badge Criteria

What it takes to earn this badge:

  • Co-facilitate any of the following face-to-face classes (MD 102 MD 202 AccEL) twice. Or co-facilitate any of the virtual classes (MD 101 MD 103 MD202) four times.
  • Thoughly prepare to co-facilitate class by attending required training reading preparation materials and connecting with the lead facilitat befe each class.
  • Develop and share personal sties in class to inspire the next generation of leaders


Skills indicated by the badge

Leadership|Verbal Communication|Coaching|Collaboration|Collaborative Innovation|Emotional Intelligence|People Management|Process Optimizer|Process Transformation|Social|Talent Development|Team Building|Team Development|Team Leadership|Teamwork|Presenting With A Purpose

Badge Platform


External links

IBM Badges