HTML/CSS - Badge

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Issued since 01 April 2016.


The owner of this Badge attended as Cineca employée the 2015 course about HTML/CSS. He/she fully attended the course and passed the final exam, showing to master HTML5 and CSS3 enough to create, modify and debug responsive websites with animations and CSS transitions. The HTML/CSS course is part of Cineca’s training offer to its employees, meant to increase their skills concerning software development. The main course’s themes include: HTMLCSSFinding online documentationResponsive layoutAnimations and transitions through CSSTools to analyze and debug HTML and CSSIn details: HTML5Typographic and tree structure of html5 pages (header, nav, aside, section) Basic HTML elements: titles, deprecated tags , lists, hyperlinks, div and span; form and input, embedded objects Tables: structure and specific tags: thead, tbody, th, tr, td; deprecated attributes, width, rowspan and colspanCSS3Examples of CSS potentiality: Cascading; building the same page with two different CSSClasses definition and "style" attributeCSS properties: Font styling, borders ,backgroundAdvanced CSS and DOM: positioning, display property, background property, use of DOM selector: DOM tree, first-child, last-child, nth ()CSS transition, text manipulation, spinning, iconic font@Media and responsivenessCourse duration: 32 hoursCourse teachers: Carlo Contino, Giorgio Delsignore

Badge Criteria

The owner of the Badge attended the 2015 session of HTML/CSS Course offered by Cineca: 32 lecture hours including guided excercises and simulations of the final exam. He/she actively took part in all lessons and in group and individual exercises. The student has been observed during the course about the following skills: Autonomously create responsive layouts with CSS animationsUse tools to analyze HTML and CSSAutonomously identify and apply HTML/CSS solutions according to the requirementsHe/she passed the final exam, in its written (22 multiple-choice questions quiz) and practical (exercise to be carried out within 2 weeks since course end) part, obtaining a total score not below 18/30.


This badge certifies that student who attended HTML5/CSS3 (2015 session) has acquired the following knowledges and skills. COMPETENCIESCreate/modify HTML5 contentManage the layout of a HTML5 page through CSS3Create animations and transitions through CSSSKILLSDebug HTML pagesDebug CSS stylesheetsFind and use HTML/CSS snippets or frameworks useful for the project requirementsCreate responsive websitesUse Bootstrap CSS frameworkKNOWLEDGESHTML5 specificationsCSS3 specifications


W3Cstandards, HTML, css

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