IBM Transformation Extender v9.x - Developer - Badge

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IBM Transformation Extender v9.x - Developer.




The badge earner has developer skills in IBM Transformation Extender (ITX) v9.x. They can identify the features; benefits; and components of ITX and explain the concepts of ITX.  The badge earner knows the tools and process of developing and deploying transformation solutions and the advantages it provides.  They are able to build a plan for deployment of ITXA components; and understand the core design-time; integration; and run-time functions of ITXA.

Badge Criteria

What it takes to earn this badge:

  • Must be an IBM client IBM Business Partner employee or IBM employee.
  • Complete  6J01G Course: IBM Transfmation Extender Overview .
  • Complete 6J02G Course: IBM Transfmation Extender Advanced Overview.
  • Successful completion of the badge course assessment quiz with a passing grade of 80% higher.


Skills indicated by the badge

Transformation Extender|Developer|Advocate|Watson Supply Chain|ITX

Badge Platform


External links

IBM Badges