Introduction to Stata - Badge
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Issued since 10 November 2016.
This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Introduction to Stata" offered by EduOpen. The Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate of attendance.
Badge Criteria
The Badge owner successfully attended Mooc "Introduction to Stata", by passing assessment tests (7/10 correct answers).
The owner of this Badge participated in and successfully completed the course "Introduction to Stata", acquired the following knowledges, skills and competences: knowledge of supported file formats and their use; knowledge of Stata environment; knowledge of basic sintax rules; basic knowledge of commands to: Load data, Save data, Describe data, Merge database, Generate of continuous variables, dummy variables and categorical variables, Modifiy content of variables, Create tables and contingency tables; basic knowledge of procedures for the creation of charts; basic knowledge of Stata Survey; basic knowledge of advanced commands.
ComputerandDataSciences, Stata