Java JDBC Basic - Badge

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Java JDBC Basic.



Issued since 23 December 2015.


This Badge is assigned to Cineca employees attending the 2015 session of JDBC Basic Course. The Badge owner attended the whole course and passed the final exam, thus demonstrating a good mastery of the JAVA API available to interact with relational database. The Badge owner proved it by implementing a routine software in a standalone environment and in non-graphic mode, allowing access and management of persistent data. The JDBC Basic Course is part of Cineca’s training offer to its employees, meant to increase their skills concerning software development. Java language is used to develop many Cineca products and services, ranging from university management systems to schools, from projects commissioned by the italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) to those in healthcare. The main course’s themes include: Define the main interfaces for JDBC API (Driver, Connection, Statement, ResultSet)Identify the components necessary to connect to a DB using the DriverManager classExecute queries and read the resultsUse transactionsCreate and use PreparedStatement and CallableStatementPrerequisites: knowledge of the object-oriented programming language Java and familiarity with a development environmentCourse duration: 14 ore Course teachers: Marco Gambini, Silvano Alloggio, Dario Orlando

Badge Criteria

The owner of the Badge could show as a prerequisite to be familiar with object oriented programming language Java and a development environment. He/she attended the 2015 session of JDBC Basic Course offered by Cineca: 14 lecture hours including guided excercises and simulations of the final exam. He/she actively took part in all lessons and in group and individual exercises. The student has been observed during the course about the following skills: Programming skills Software requirements analysis Object modelling of a business domainResourcefulnessMotivationHe/she passed the final exam, consisting in an exercise to be carried out within 2 weeks since course end, obtaining a total score not below 18/30.


This badge certifies that student who attended Java JDBC course (2015 session) has acquired the following knowledges and skills: KnowledgesJava 7 stand aloneEclipse MARSimplementing software through an object oriented programming languagedesign pattern: programming best practicesSkillsObject modeling of a business domainE-R modeling of a business domainResolution techniques of object-relational impedance mismatch


Computerprogramming, Java, JDBC

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