LearnQuest z-Systems Advanced Topic - CICS - Badge

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LearnQuest z-Systems Advanced Topic - CICS.




This badge indicates the recipient is ready for an entry-level Mainframe Developer position with focus on CICS.  The recipient can design; code; and debug command-level CICS application programs.  Topics and applications include:  CICS commands; Worldwide Books Online; Debugging applications; Completing the WB Presentation and Customer Program; CICS Web Applications.

Badge Criteria

What it takes to earn this badge:

  • Badge earners have successfully achieved class objectives demonstrated by student progress in lab exercises attendance and participation in question & answer sessions and/or assessments associated with: Introducing Worldwide Books Online Writing a pseudoconversational echo program Debugging applications by using CEDF Writing the WB presentation program Completing the WB presentation program customer program and order program.


Skills indicated by the badge

Application Developer|CICS|COBOL|Db2|ISPF|JCL|Mainframe|Programmer|System Z|VSAM|Z-systems

Badge Platform


External links

IBM Badges