LearnQuest z-Systems Developer - Intermediate - Badge

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LearnQuest z-Systems Developer - Intermediate.




This badge holder has demonstrated intermediate COBOL and mainframe developer knowledge and skills including DB2; ISPF and JCL. The recipient can write COBOL programs as follows: COBOL Control Breaks; Subroutines; VSAM; Embedded Select statement; DB2 Simple Select statement; JCL IDCAMS; Condition codes; concatenation; GDG; ISPF library options

Badge Criteria

What it takes to earn this badge:

  • Badge earners have successfully achieved class objectives demonstrated by student progress in lab exercises attendance participation in question and answer sessions and/or assessments associated with the following topics:  COBOL Control Break Logic COBOL Using and writing subroutines COBOL VSAM Processing DB2 Simple Select statement COBOL Simple Embedded Select statement & Cursor JCL IDCAMS JCL Condition codes concatenation GDG ISPF library options


Skills indicated by the badge

Application Developer|COBOL|Db2|ISPF|JCL|Mainframe|Programmer|VSAM

Badge Platform


External links

IBM Badges