Learning to learn: the DSA in the skills school - Badge
Learning to learn: the DSA in the skills school.
University of Perugia.
Issued since 21 April 2016.
This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Learning to learn: the DSA in the skills school" offered by EduOpen. The Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate of attendance.
Badge Criteria
The owner of this badge was in the course "Learning to learn: the DSA in the skills school". The course aims to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary for the design of units of learning that, following the guidelines for an inclusive instructional design, know how to mobilize the knowledge and skills, also acquired through the use of specific tools, generating output skills. The proposed course focuses on the specific skills of reading comprehension, which as you know Cross, calls into question one of the key skills of citizenship which is precisely that of learning to learn. The course, which takes place entirely at a distance, is divided into six modules, for a total duration of six weeks. The owner of this Badge: - completed all the activities planned by the course; - concluded the final project in compliance with the specified criteria.
The owner of this Badge participated in and successfully completed the course "Learning to learn: the DSA in the skills school", with the following results. During the training were assessed as the student acquired the following knowledge: - Reference legislation on Specific Learning Disorders (ASD)- Reference legislation on the National Guidelines for the curriculum- Guidelines for inclusive education (Universal Design for Learning)During the training were assessed as the student acquired the following skills: - Know how to create digital maps with the free software MindMaple- Know how to use the educational software free speech LeggiXmeDuring the training were assessed as the student acquired the following skills: - Know how to design a Learning Units providing for the use of strategies and tools for school inclusion of children with learning difficulties.
SocialScience, Learningdisability, Didacticmethod