LoopBack Developer - Level II - Badge

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LoopBack Developer - Level II.




The badge holder demonstrates commitment to the success of Node.js and LoopBack through direct contributions to the core of the framework or a related plugin; mixin or component.  This individual has proven a dedication to the technology and also an understanding of the framework; and its goals; beyond that of the average developer.  The badge holder has adhered to common development practices and has proven an understanding of what makes successful LoopBack code.

Badge Criteria

What it takes to earn this badge:

  • Contribution of code directly to Strongloop/Loopback or one of the primary components/dependencies of LoopBack on Github via a Pull Request that has been accepted.
  • A Level II badge requires a total of 5 Pull Requests to be merged.


Skills indicated by the badge


Badge Platform


External links

IBM Badges