Master in Risk engineering e management on line - Badge
Master in Risk engineering e management on line.
Issued since 07 July 2017.
The holder of this Badge has attended the Master in Risk engineering and management on line, provided by CINEAS jointly with CINECA and has passed the final learning test. Continual evolution in the productive and technological scenario and the complexity of business systems have given rise to new risks, which have to be faced with a different outlook and with new p
Badge Criteria
The holder of this Badge has taken part in the Master, provided in blended mode, in Risk engineering and management on line and has succeeded in passing a final examination. The Master is intended for anyone who operates in the following areas: enterprise: site directors, plant managers, heads of safety, risk managers and other roles covering duties involving control and reduction of company risks; insurance world: technical inspectors, underwriters, claim handlers, roles with duties of risk engineer and surveyor, insurance intermediaries; consultancy companies: operating in the area of company risks. The course satisfies the requirements for professional updating laid down by the IVASS Regulation no. 6 of 2 December 2014 (for validity in this respect the Supervisory Institute for Insurance requires: 100% attendance of the lessons and 60% of answers correct in the test of learning). On completion of the Master the participants will then take a final exam to certify the knowledge acquired. This exam is not obligatory, but is strongly recommended. Students who do not take this exam will only be issued with a certificate of attendance.
The holder of the Master in Risk engineering and management on line Badge, by conscientiously attending the course and passing the final test, has demonstrated that he or she has acquired thorough KNOWLEDGE regarding the following areas: Risk management and risk engineeringEnterprise risk management: statistical methods for quantifying; ERM risks: the case of ST Microelectronics, including visit to the company; Management of Multinational risks: instruments for risk engineering and risk transfer. Property & business interruption - Risk engineeringRepresentation and assessment of risks: introduction to methods of engineering analysis; Qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis; applicative methodologies and practice; Loss control systems; Fundamentals of combustion; Earthquake and flooding risks: analysis, effects and criteria of risk control; Design Risk: the case of Lamborghini, including visit to the company. Property & business interruption-Insurance techniqueAnalysis of the balance sheet of an enterprise. Business interruption insurance coverage and case histories; Asset damage insurance coverage; Theft: the fundamental concepts. Liability risk engineering - Insurance techniqueCyber risk; Civil tort: special regulations; Administrative tort; Public liability: aspects and insurance coverage; Public liability directors, statutory auditors and managers: framework ofregulations and insurance coverage. Case histories; P. L. products legal framework of reference. Methodologies of risk control andproduct recall; P. L. pollution: legal framework of reference. Insurance coverage; methodologyand risk control; Public liability: health and safety at work; Visit to Artsana: examples of procedures and equipment for safety and casestudy. Marine & cargo risksGeneral principles of the transport branch; transport subjects andtheir liability; the various forms of insurance; Liability risks with goods transport; the new PL regime for carriers. Construction risks and project risk managementCAR/EAR insurance coverage and prevention criteria; Project risk management on turn-key contracts; Ten-year posthumous insurance coverage. ERM & ARTBusiness continuity management: case study and evidence; Supply chain risk control; Crisis management: theory and practical company applications; Captive/alternative risk transfer; Fundamentals of financial risk management.
Riskanalysis, Riskmanagement