Moot Court Competition in Business Law semifinalist - Badge

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Moot Court Competition in Business Law semifinalist.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Issued since 26 August 2016.


The owner of this Badge took part in the Moot Court Competition in Business Law and reached the semifinals of the competition. The Competition prepares students to the legal profession, by simulating areal court proceeding. Starting from an imaginary controversy prepared by business law professors and/or teaching assistants, teams draft legal memoranda and then participate in oral arguments before a "Court" composed by the same professors and/or teaching assistants. Teams must pass knockout stages until the two remaining teams argue the final case in front of a panel composed by all the business law professors, a judge and a professor from another university. The Moot Court Competition in Business Law offers students an in-depth study of business law topics based on a case method. Participation to the Competition allows students to accomplish four essential goals: acquire a stronger grasp on business law; begin to learn how to conduct legal research and how to write legal texts; learn the techniques and logics of legal argumentation; begin to familiarize with the dynamics of the lawyer profession.

Badge Criteria

The Competition is open to all second year students who are pursuing either the 5-year degree or the 3-year degree in Law. Enrollment is voluntary. The Open Badge Moot Court Competition in Business Law semifinalist is assigned to enrolled students who participated to the preliminary meetings, wrote the briefs, argued in the oral debates and reached the semifinals.


The owner of this Badge showed the following abilities: good ability to argue on a legal matter, in writing and orally; good ability to analyze legal cases; good ability to conduct legal research; good ability to use legal research tools; and the following soft skills: good ability to work in team; good clarity in presenting written and oral arguments; good debating ability. The owner of this badge also acquired the following competencies: good knowledge of business law and in-depth understanding of some of its areas; initial grasp of the dynamics of the legal practice.


Businesslaw, Mootcourtcompetition, Practiceoflaw

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