Pre-course of General Mathematics: Equations and Inequations - Badge

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Pre-course of General Mathematics: Equations and Inequations.


University of Foggia.

Issued since 08 February 2017.


This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Pre-corso di Matematica generale: Equazioni e Disequazioni" offered by EduOpenThe Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate of attendance.

Badge Criteria

The Badge owner successfully attended Mooc "Pre-course of General Mathematics: Equations and Inequations", by viewing the videolectures in the course; by actively participating in forum; by solving the exercises at the end of every Section.


The owner of this Badge participated in and successfully completed the course "Pre-course of General Mathematics: Equations and Inequations", with the following results: - To identify and solve first and second grade and absolute value equations and inequations. - To know the straight line equation in explicit and implicit form,. - Given two different points or one point and angular coefficient, to deduce the straight line equation. - To know the concept of family of straight lines and to calculate it. - To know the concept of parallel, incidence and perpendicular straight lines. - To know the circumference equation. - To deduce the position of a straight line compared with a circumference.


Science, Mathematics, Equation

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