Precalculus - Badge

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University of Bari Aldo Moro.

Issued since 15 April 2016.


This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Precalculus" offered by EduOpen. The Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate of attendance.

Badge Criteria

The badge is issued by the University of Bari Aldo Moro to students who successfully complete the MOOC "Precalculus" published on the EduOpen MOOC platform. The badge can be earned upon completion of all online activities within the MOOC, such as displaying video lessons and passing self-assessment tests.


The holder of this Badge successfully completed the MOOC "Precalculus" organized by the University of Bari Aldo Moro. The owner has acquired the knowledge required to pass the placement examination required by many universities for attending bachelor degree courses in scientific area.


Science, Mathematics

Badge Platform


External links

Bestr Badges