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Links to open badges research.


HASTAC: Digital badges an annotated research bibliography

Open badges on wikipedia

Open badges for lifelong learning Authors: Mozilla foundation, Peer 2 peer university, MacArthur Foundation.


Micro-certification Business Models in Higher Education (2020). A scan of international practice intended to inform HE initiatives on Ontario, Canada.

Research on Design League Badge Portfolios

The roles of digital badges.

MOOC badging and the learning arc

Open badges for recognising skills in HE

Open badges in language skills development Work on implementing open badges carried out as part of a virtual exchange is published here in Chapter 11.

Where open badges appear to work better.

Open badges for education

Giving credit where its due

Digital badges in education

Connected Educators Badges

Open badges for education

Peer coaching training

Badge pathways

Open Badges in Scottish HE

Exploration of the utility of digital badging in Higher Education settings

Undergraduate nursing students

Authentic assessment in graduate teaching development programmes

Digital open badge driven learning

EU technical report on innovation in assessment has section on digital badges

Stakeholder perceptions.

Employer perceptions of Critical Information Literacy skills and digital badges.

Open badges

Implementing open badges

Digital badging: The future of professional development

OER certification for Higher Education Austria.

Jobs in 2028: A report from the Integration Futures working group.

The future of education in information science

The new credentialing landscape

Community colleges and the new era of work and learning (US)

Arbeitspapier: Kompetenzen SICHTBAR MACHEN MIT OPEN BADGES (Germany)

Msweli, N. T., Twinomurinzi, H., & Ismail, M. (2022). The international case for micro-credentials for life-wide and life-long learning: A systematic literature review. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 17, 151-190.

  • References section contains 3 pages of citations, most with links.


Badge Mooc

An open course available on the Coursesites platform.


European network of eportfolio experts and practitioners.

Badge Case Studies

A broad collection of digital badging case studies.

More reading.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

  1. Abramovich, S. (2016). Understanding digital badges in higher education through assessment. In: On the Horizon, Vol. 24 Iss 1 pp. 126 - 131.
  2. Ahn, J.; Pellicone, A. and Butler, B. S. (2014). Open badges for education: what are the implications at the intersection of open systems and badging? In: Research in Learning Technology. Vol. 22.
  3. Buchem, I. (2015). Open Badges as Open Portfolios? Presentation at the conference Evaluation and Recognition in Education: Alternative Ways. Odense, Denmark, 24 September 2015. (accessed March 11, 2016).
  4. Gibson, D. and Coleman, K. (2015). Digital Badges to Curate, Credential and carry forward digital learning evidence. Transforming Assessment Webinar Series, 4 February 2015. (accessed March 11, 2016).
  5. Hurst, E. J. (2015). Digital Badges: Beyond Learning Incentives. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 12:3, 182-189.
  6. MacArthur Foundation (undated). Badges for lifelong learning. (accessed March 29, 2016).
  7. Grant, S. L. (2014). What Counts As Learning: Open Digital Badges for New Opportunities. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research Hub. (accessed March 23, 2016).