Rhinoceros-basic course - Badge
YATTA! Fai da noi.
Issued since 18 April 2016.
The holder of this Badge has participated in Rhinoceros-basic course organised by YATTA! Fai da noi, and is therefore capable of using the 3D modelling principles of Rhinoceros, one of the standard softwares in the field of CAD. Starting from the basic commands of 2D and 3D design, the course gives an introduction to the potential and particulars of this programme: it is a modeller for surfaces, an aspect that distinguishes it from other 3D software. One of the main aims of the course is to produce a workflow that shows off the features of the programme. To clarify the construction process of a tri-dimensional object, each step is accompanied by practical examples of modelling. The course lasts a total of 12 hours, divided into 4 modules: the Rhino environment, basic commands and command line; 2D design and surfaces; primitives and advanced operations; case studies. The course is open to everyone and requires no pre-existing abilities, other than familiarity with the use of a PC and knowledge of elementary concepts of technical design.
Badge Criteria
To obtain the Rhinoceros-basic course Badge, a participant must follow at least 75% of the course hours andtake part in the classroom lessons with practical examples of modelling. Assessment takes place during the course itself, because this is structured in lessons and practical tests, where the participant is required to practise modelling using the illustrated commands. For information concerning the next editions of the course, please apply to corsi@spazioyatta.it .
The holder of this Badge has demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to use the following ABILITIES: 3D modelling; tri-dimensional design; bi-dimensional design; and the following SOFT SKILLS: creativity; observation of shapes; construction of curves; construction of geometries; problem solving; analysis of complex objects. The holder of this Badge has also successfully learned the following items of KNOWLEDGE: B-splines; Bézier curves; control points; osnaps; continuity and tangency; the command line; 2D dsign; the wireframe; how to generate surfaces and solids; primitives and extrusions; array and offset; common errors. On completing the course the participant will know the differences in approach to modelling between Rhino and other CAD programmes.
3Dmodeling, Computer-aideddesign, Rhinoceros_3D