Soft Skills: Personal Development - Badge

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Soft Skills: Personal Development.


University Ca' Foscari Venezia.

Issued since 13 November 2017.


The holder of this Badge has attended the series of seminars, developed and delivered by the Ca Foscari Competency Centre of the Ca Foscari University of Venice, intended to accompany each participant through a process of development of the emotional, social and cognitive competencies required to achieve personal and professional objectives and improve employability in the labour market.  Soft skills represent a set of individual characteristics that are required in order to achieve effective working performances.  Since they are transversal,these competencies may be put into action in any professional position and may be of emotional, social or cognitive nature. During this series of seminars, participants are led to: understand the importance of soft skills for professional effectiveness; acquire individual awareness of the level to which they possess the soft skills required to achieve their professional objectives; create a customised learning plan, aimed at strengthening their personal soft skills, which is consistent with their own style of learning; put new behaviours into practice in the everyday context, in order to develop their emotional, social and cognitive competencies. The series of seminars is structured on interactive classes (or through webinars) and activities to be carried out online. The learning pathway is distinguished by its highly interactive teaching, for example, peer coaching and personal coaching sessions, activities of self reflection, group discussions. Participants are granted the opportunity of reserved access to the activities and materials of the Competency Platform. The output from these activities is translated into individual feedback reports, enabling participants to acquire awareness on their personal competency profile and supporting them to direct their  efforts towards the development of the identified areas for improvement.

Badge Criteria

This Badge is issued to anyone who has attended and taken active part in the series of seminars on the topic of “Soft Skills: Personal Development and has completed, within the set deadlines, all the activities assigned within the digital platform of the  Ca Foscari Competency Centre.


The holder of this Badge has acquired a method enabling him or her to learn soft skills required to achieve personal and professional objectives. In particular, he or she has developed the following ABILITIES: preparing and drafting a motivating personal vision regarding his or her personal and professional objectives; acquiring awareness of his or her portfolio of soft skills; identifying his or her strengths, as well as areas for improvement; defining learning objectives in terms of soft skills required to achieve his or her desired future;  assessing his or her own learning style; drawing up a learning plan identifying, for each competency to be developed, the behaviours to be learned, the concrete actions to be implemented and the contexts for experimentation; applying and practising soft skills in an everyday context; measuring his or her own progress and results obtained on the learning process. . The holder of this Badge has also demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to use the SOFT SKILL “self awareness This competency has been trained through the following activities: a) self-reflection on personal and professional objectives, b) analysis of the level of possession of his or her soft skills through a 360 degree assessment, c) identification of the personal strengths and weaknesses. Through this pathway, the participants have also developed the specific emotional, social and cognitive competencies that they have identified as learning goals in their personal plan, consistent with their future professional objectives (among achievement orientation, efficiency orientation, resilience, initiative, change orientation, adaptability, self-control, accuracy, risk taking, risk management, empathy, organizational awareness, self-confidence, customer focus, persuasion, developing others, networking, leadership, conflict management, teamwork, systems thinking, pattern recognition, diagnostic thinking, lateral thinking, questioning, observing, experimenting, visionary thinking, commitment toward the group, integrity)  that they have identified as learning goals in their personal plan, consistent with their future professional objectives . The holder of this Badge has also successfully learned KNOWLEDGE concerning the following topics: the model of emotional and social competencies; the theory of intentional change; the distinguishing features of personal vision; 360 degree assessment of soft skills; the neurophysiological dimension of learning of soft skills; the learning styles; the learning plan.


Personaldevelopment, SoftSkills, Learningplan

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