Soft Skills: Self Awareness - Badge

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Soft Skills: Self Awareness.


University Ca' Foscari Venezia.

Issued since 13 November 2017.


The holder of this Badge has attended the series of seminars, developed and delivered by the Ca Foscari Competency Centre of the Ca Foscari University of Venice, aimed to accompany each participant through the self-awareness of those soft skills which represent personal strengths or weaknesses, as well as of those competencies required to achieve personal and professional objectives in order to improve their employability. Soft skills represent a set of individual characteristics that are required in order to achieve effective working performances. Since they are transversal, these competencies may be put into action in any professional position that calls for them and may be of an emotional, social or cognitive nature. During this series of seminars, each participant is led through four stages: the first consists of identifying his/her own future goals and seeks to direct the participant towards developing a clear vision of their professional objectives (ideal self); the second enables the participants to understand the level to which they possess their soft skills, by means of a 360 degree assessment, involving personal and professional raters (real self); the third means becoming aware of one’s own strengths and weaknesses and therefore enables the participants to understand which of their competencies need to be developed,  by implementing new behaviours that allow them to attain their ideal self; the fourth allows the participants to understand the level of alignment between their personal and professional objectives and the soft skills they possess, on the one hand, and the expectations of the labour market, on the other hand. Each seminar is structured on interactive classes (or through a webinar) and activities to be carried out between one class and the next. The pathway is distinguished by experiential learning, including, for example, self-reflection activity, group discussions, analysis and discussion of movie clips or case studies and simulations.

Badge Criteria

This Badge is issued to anyone who has attended and taken active part in the series of seminars on the subject of “Soft Skills: Self Awareness and has completed, within the set deadlines, all the activities assigned within the digital platform of the Ca Foscari Competency Centre.


The holder of this Badge learned a methodology to assess his/her own soft skills and became aware of those emotional, social and cognitive competencies needed to attain his/her future professional goals. Specifically, the ABILITIES developed are the following: how to develop and write a compelling personal vision on personal and professional goals; how to measure the level of soft skills; how to identify strengths and weaknesses in the soft skills portfolio; how to identify learning objectives in terms of soft skills that need to be nurtured to attain the desired future. The Badge certifies the learning of the SOFT SKILL “self awareness through which the person makes explicit his/her self-reflection on future aspirations and professional objectives, identifies the soft skills most frequently and less frequently demonstrated, becomes aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses analyzing the multisource feedback assessment, and understands the competencies needed for his/her personal growth. The Badge certifies KNOWLEDGE of the following topics: the emotional and social competency model; the intentional change theory; the distinctive characteristics of personal vision; the 360 degree assessment of soft skills.


SoftSkills, SelfAwareness, Emotionalcompetence

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