Systems for Quality Assurance in Universities and external assessment - Badge

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Systems for Quality Assurance in Universities and external assessment.


Università degli Studi di Trento.

Issued since 12 December 2017.


This Badge certifies acquisition of basic knowledge concerning the fundamental principles of quality and quality assurance systems in the University of Trento and how these are assessed by the appointed external  authorities. It is issued to participants in the course from the University of Trento, who have  attended the three on-line training modules on the subject of quality in the University and have passed the final assessment test.

Badge Criteria

To obtain this Badge, the course participant (technical and administrative staff and student representatives at the University of Trento) must have attended the three multi-media modules concerning the following topics: Meaning and principles of and approaches to quality: overview of the origins and history of the movement for industrial quality; main principles of use in developing a system for quality in the University; the two functions of quality assurance systems: internal (for continuous improvement) and external (for certification); creation of a system for quality assurance. The principles of quality as applied to Universities: reasons behind the movement for quality in the universities; fundamental European documents (ESG2015); the “Italian way to quality assurance ANVUR and continuous improvement. The operation of the system for quality and the external side of quality assurance: description of the system for quality at the University of Trento; external quality assurance; the main subjects involved in the system for quality; the process of periodical certification. Lastly, the participant in the course must have passed a final assessment test to demonstrate his/her understanding and learning of the content transmitted in the three modules.


The holder of this Badge has: improved understanding of what is happening on a national scale and at the University of Trento regarding quality assurance and enhancement; increased awareness of the importance of the role and the contribution of every part of the organisation to quality assurance in the University. The holder of this Badge has also understood and assimilated the following contents: overview of the origins and history of the movement for industrial quality; the three main principles for development of the system for quality in the University: relative definition of quality, total quality management; PDCA cycle; functions of the system for quality: internal function for improvement and external function for certification; the European movement for quality and the ESG2015; how the Italian regulations regulate the certification processes and those of self-assessment and  Quality improvement; operation of the system for quality assurance in the University of Trento; the subjects involved in the assessment process: ANVUR (the National Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and Research), External evalutation panels, Joint Teacher-Student  Committee; overview of certification procedures for university administrations and study of Higher Education Insitutions and Study programmes.


University, Qualityassurance, Accreditation

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