Teaching4Learning@Unipd - Badge

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University of Padova.

Issued since 07 July 2017.


The owner of this Badge attended the training course within the Teaching4Learning@Unipd project. The aims of the project are: to develop teaching skills for faculty in higher education, and to encourage the creation of Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) in order to share experiences of good teaching practices, and to promote teaching innovation in higher education. At the end of the proposed training course, FLC will offer support for faculty who are interested in innovating their teaching practices. More specifically, FLC will provide a place for faculty to: experiment and discover together innovative educational strategies that involve students and encourage them to participate actively and consciously in teaching activities; de-privatize their teaching practice; progressively increase the involvement of other colleagues in innovative approaches to teaching.

Badge Criteria

The Badge is issued to all the teachers who attended at least 5 workshops on didactic innovation within the T4L@Unipd project.


The holder of this Badge has demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to use the following SKILLS: be able to expose the premises that guide your way of teaching; be able to promote engagement and discussion with colleagues on the themes of teaching; be able to design lesson plans in an engaging and participatory manner; be able to design and manage group activities in the classroom; be able to realize a micro-teaching; be able to promote positive relationships between and with students; be able to promote self-directed learning processes; be able to design and manage feedback and evaluation processes; be able to identify and use the e-learning tools of Moodle suitable for pursuing their didactic goals;  and the following ABILITIES: know how to reflect on your relational style (formal, informal, etc. ); reflect on values that guide your way of teaching; organize and conduct discussion groups and work among colleagues; observing colleagues during teaching activities and giving feedback; promote positive relationships for the improvement of teaching; know how to design group work in coherence with teaching objectives; develop engaging strategies for students to improve learning; know how to empower the role of emotions in the learning-teaching process; design assessment and self-evaluation activities; manage feedback processes (towards and from students, between teachers); designing activities, resources, times, spaces for self-taught learning processes; prepare and organize the Moodle space of your course; use Moodle tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication; create an evaluation or self-evaluation test with Moodle; integrate classroom teaching with the tools offered by moodle CMS.


Learningbyteaching, Educationaltechnology, Learningcommunity

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