Using the Internet with awareness to enhance learning - Badge

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Using the Internet with awareness to enhance learning.


University of Parma.

Issued since 24 June 2016.


This Badge is earned by learners participating in the course "Using the Internet with awareness to enhance learning" offered by EduOpen. The Badge is to all intents and purposes the course’s certificate of attendance.

Badge Criteria

The owner of this badge has taken part in the online course "Using the Internet with awareness to enhance learning", within the MOOC Teach different! Methodologies, tools, activities (Didatech). Its aims are to provide useful ideas to make their lessons more motivating and efficient using specific methodologies, to learn how to increase the participation of students, to use technology effectively in teaching. The path collects opinions and experiences of experts from different regions of Italy and Europe, and benefits from the collaboration of teachers from the University of Parma, Padua, Genoa, Aarhus (Denmark) and Dalarna (Sweden) as well as from researchers of The Institute for Educational Technology of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). The course was designed and built for educators and teachers, primarily at the University of Parma and other Italian universities, but also open to teachers working in other fields and doctoral students and post-graduate educational courses aimed at acquisition of qualifications and skills for teaching. Teachers: Francesco Caviglia, Antonella De RobbioWithin the sections of Didatech - Using the Internet with awareness to enhance learning it there have been reflections and practice on research and evaluation of information on the net and on the copyright applied to materials and resources available on the Net and useful for teaching. The badge was obtained after taking part and having fulfilled the following conditions: having worked as interim activities identified as required for each section that makes up the course; having played the final compulsory test corresponding to each section.


The owner of this Badge participated and successfully concluded the course "Using the Internet with awareness to enhance learning", demonstrating acquisition of the following SKILLS: knowing why it is important to seek and evaluate information on the net; knowing what an is "information problem on the network" and what skills are activated to resolve it; knowing how to formulate an information problem and propose it as a teaching classroom activities; knowing how to search online information even from images; learning about the issues related to copyright and materials for teaching hollowing out the critical issues that impact on the creation of materials and their distribution within the courses provided on e-learning platforms; understanding how to avoid violations in the provision of network services related to teaching and identify appropriate solutions for the respect of copyright in the digital environment.


Teachingmethod, SocialScience, Copyright

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